



bet亚洲365欢迎投注有动力! 学院有了新的校长和学术领导, 雄心勃勃的2023- 2030年战略计划, 现代化的新教学设施, and is consistently recognized for academic excellence by The Princeton Review and U.S. 新闻 & 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》等.

Bring your love of teaching and student mentorship to the mid-Hudson Valley.


The 社会与行为科学学院 seeks distinguished faculty, with stellar educational credentials and deep professional experience to:

  • 指导和激励学生 

  • 挑战他们以新的方式思考

  • 合作开展高水平研究

  • 帮助他们做好职业准备

我们理想的候选人寻求创造性的机会, 亲自动手的, and community-based learning -- and value an inclusive community where diverse perspectives are respected. 我们是世界第一 US 新闻 North Top 30 Private Colleges for faculty being People of Color. Candidates have a passion for mentoring and student-faculty research that has social impact. 下面是bet亚洲365欢迎投注如何让你对学术的热情蓬勃发展:


Seeing the growth that happens between first-year students and graduates is the ultimate reward. Our state-of-the-art Dyson Center further propels Criminal Justice students' preparation for success. 通过互动式学习环境, 比如指挥中心和模拟法庭, our program provides practical applications for theoretical concepts. These spaces allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the law and emergencies and develop confidence before they progress to the next stage of their academic and professional careers. Witnessing this transformation firsthand is truly fulfilling as an educator.


Assistant Provost, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Co-Director Social Justice Minor

满足博士. Conyers >

One of my favorite things about teaching at Marist is doing research with students. I have worked with many bright students from across disciplines on Honors theses and supervised research projects, and had students volunteer to assist in my research agenda. 作为一个部门, we annually take students involved in research to a regional conference, 这是我一年中最好的时光之一. It has been a joy watching these students invest in the research process. 他们的动力一直激励着我.

E.G. 弗莱德里克


满足博士. 弗莱德里克 >

I love my role overseeing internships for Social Work students because I can introduce them to the profession through our partnerships with a variety of organizations. Our classes are small so I’m able to offer intensive support as their internship progresses. As an educator, I’m empowered to try new teaching and learning strategies. 在迪恩·加廷斯的支持下,我开始了自己的事业 现场讲座播客 bet亚洲365欢迎投注社会工作领域教育, 作为一名教育者, I’m supported by Marist to try new and innovative teaching strategies.



满足博士. Dill >

When asked what I teach at Marist, I proudly respond, "I teach future teachers!" I guide teacher-candidates in developing their mindsets and practices for teaching and learning from diverse student populations. A special opportunity is instructing the Culturally Responsive Education course, where our teacher-candidates engage with amazing students and 学校 in Hawaii. Aloha, the familiar Hawaiian phrase, embodies valuing those under our care. 通过这种文化沉浸, our teacher-candidates gain deep appreciation for communities, 学校, 家庭, 和学生. It's not just about what I teach, but why I teach at Marist.



One of the most fulfilling and exciting aspects of being Marist faculty is my ability to conduct research that addresses scholarly questions and fulfills a community need thanks to our Center for Social Justice Research. My students and I provide our City of Poughkeepsie public 学校 and local youth agencies with mindfulness-based stress-reduction strategies for two reasons: to improve school retention and to equip local youth with the tools they need to achieve their academic and personal goals. We really feel like we make a difference in our community.



满足博士. Stone >

在我们的教师教育计划中, we nurture teacher-candidate’s global mindsets through encouragement to explore their cultural identities, 探询世界, 接受不同的观点. 作为一名全球社会正义的教师教育家, I prioritize how we can understand multiple perspectives and engage in respectful dialogue. 例如, 在一个课程中, 学生们与巴西的教育工作者建立了虚拟联系, 合作探索语言, 公民身份, 和教育. This enriching cross-cultural exchange benefited all participants. I am grateful for bet亚洲365欢迎投注's support in preparing teachers for the new realities of a globalized world.



满足博士. Wright Fields >


2024年夏天,戴森中心将容纳 社会与行为科学学院 并将通过以下方式提升教学经验:

  • 一个复杂的STEM教室
  • 模拟法庭
  • 模拟应急管理中心
  • 社会工作/咨询套房
  • 分层报告厅
  • 心理学研究实验室


Marist prides itself on being a small College offering a big experience. We’re located in the desirable mid-Hudson Valley, just 90 minutes north of New York City. Our stunning riverfront campus stretches along the banks of the historic Hudson River and provides abundant opportunities for both outdoor adventures and immersive cultural experiences. 




你会喜欢教圣母的学生的. Not only are they the best and brightest, but they are also happy and engaged. 据《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》报道, Marist ranks Top 25 in the nation across multiple categories including happiest students, 大宿舍, 还有热爱自己大学的学生. Here’s why 社会与行为科学学院 students had the best experiences:

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位置引脚图标的图像 北路3399号唐纳利大厅120楼

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601


(845) 575-3349

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